C1 CMS 5.3

Make copies of pages and data items in no time, write and run automated tests if you like, be sure that the latest .NET Framework versions are in use.

Product name update

We have renamed the product to "C1 CMS". The open source project is named "C1 CMS Foundation".

Product name update

Page and data duplication

You can now create copies of pages and data items using the new Duplicate command.

Page and data duplication

Upgraded to .NET Framework 4.6.1

We have upgraded the .NET Framework version requirement to 4.6.1 to keep up with the improvements that come with it.

Upgraded to .NET Framework 4.6.1

Automated end-to-end testing with Nightwatch.js

We have added Nightwatch.js (Node.js powered End-to-End testing framework) and extended it with an API tailored for writing tests for the CMS Console.

Our build environment executes the tests automatically after each build to ensure even more stable releases and automatic quality control on nightly builds.

You can also create your own tests with the API we provide.

Automated end-to-end testing with Nightwatch.js

The author column on the unpublished list

You can now see the author of the latest changes on the lists of unpublished pages and data in a new column named "Author".
The author column on the unpublished list

Stuck on an old version?

Access to the latest features and fixes

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