icon Nabble Forum
Created by Orckestra

Step 1. Setting up a forum at nabble.com

Before you embed a forum on your website, set up the forum at nabble.com and get the embed code:

  1. Create a free forum at http://n5.nabble.com/free-forum.html.
  2. Configure and customize the forum at nabble.com - by creating sub-forums, setting proper permissions, customizing the appearance etc.
  3. On the main page of your forum a tnabble.com, click Options > Embedding Options to open the page with the forum's code.
  4. Under Javascript Code, select and copy the code.

The code will look similar to this: Expand code

Step 2. Embedding  the forum on your website

Now embed the forum on your website:

  1. In the Content perspective, create or edit a page where you want to embed the forum, e.g. "Forum".
  2. Add the Composite.Community.Forum.Nabble function ( Insert > Function) or insert the following code on the page:
    Expand code 
  3. In the Embed Code parameter, paste the code copied from your forum's Embedding Options (see above).
  4. Save and publish the page.

Step 3. Redirecting users to the forum page on your website (optional)

If you want the users to be redirected to the Forum page on your website when they access your forum directly at nabble.com:

  1. Open the "Forum" page on your website.
  2. Log in to the forum.
  3. Click Options > Embedding Options.
  4. Under Redirect Users, select the option "Redirect them to: {URL to the Forum page on your website}".
  5. Click Save Changes.