icon Tell-a-Friend
Created by Orckestra

Show technical information

Implementing Composite.Community.TellAFriend

  1. On the Content tab of the page, the Markup Code tab of a template used for this page or the Template tab of an XSLT function used on this page, insert the Composite.Community.TellAFriend function ( Insert > Function) or add the following code:
      Expand code
  2. If necessary, set its optional parameter:
    • PopUp: Shows the form either embedded on a page (False) or as a popup (True). False by default (embedded). Note: JavaScript must be enabled on the client side if the parameter is set toTrue.
    • UseCaptcha: If 'true', the Captcha is used on the form. Default is 'false'.

Using Composite.Community.TellAFriend

  1. Click the "Tell a friend" on the page.
  2. In the form that appears, fill the fields:
    • From name: The name of the sender
    • From e-mail: The email address of the sender
    • To name: The name of the recipient
    • To e-mail: The email address of the recipient
    • Description: short description of the page
    • Please write the text from the picture: This is where you enter characters form the CAPTCHA image.
  3. Click Submit.

The person whose email address is specified in the To e-mail field will receive an email message that will include the URL of the page (and a description if provided).

Important notes

  1. The email host on your website is set to localhost by default. You can change this setting by editing ~/web.config and changing the /configuration/system.net/mailSettings section.
  2. To use the TellAFriend function with the PopUp parameter set to True, make sure that  JavaScript is enabled on the client side (in a Web browser).