icon Twitter Feed Aggregator
Created by Orckestra

How to add Twitter Feed Aggregator to your website

  1. Edit a page.
  2. Insert the Composite.Community.Twitter.FeedAggregator function ( Insert > Function), or add the following code:
    Expand code
  3. Edit Config.xml to specify your own search terms and/or set the auto-refresh frequency.

How to specify search terms

  1. In the System perspective, expand /App_Data/Composite.Community.Twitter.FeedAggregator and edit Config.xml.
  2. Add the Search element within TwitterBuzzFeed and in its term attribute specify the search term by which you want to aggregate the latest tweets.
    Expand code 
    By default, there are two search terms specified: " Orckestra CMS" and " Orckestra CMS". (You can add as many search terms as you need.)
  3. Save Config.xml.
  4. Restart the server.

How to set auto-refresh frequency

  1. In the System perspective, expand /App_Data/Composite.Community.Twitter.FeedAggregator and edit Config.xml.
  2. In the autoRefresh attribute of TwitterBuzzFeed specify the auto-refresh period for the search in seconds. By default, the feed auto-refreshes every 60 seconds.
    Save Config.xml.
  3. Restart the server.

Important Notes

  • Restart the server every time you have modified Config.xml.


You can customize the layout by editing its style sheets:

  • /Frontend/Composite/Community/Twitter/FeedAggregator/Styles.css