icon UserEcho Feedback Widget
Created by Orckestra

How to add a UserEcho Feedback Widget  to your website

  1. Edit a page or a template.
  2. Insert the Composite.Community.UserEcho.FeedbackWidget function ( Insert | Function) or add similar code:
    Expand code
  3. Set the required parameters (see " Getting your project URL and forum ID at UserEcho" for the values):
    • URL: Your project's URL at UserEcho - without http:// or https:// (for example, 'YOUR_ALIAS.userecho.com').
    • Forum ID: Your Forum's ID at UserEcho.
  4. If needed, set the optional parameters:
    • Language: The language of the widget (the current page's language if supported or 'en' by default)
    • LinkText: The caption on the widget and/or the feedback link ('Feedback' by default)
    • WidgetType: The widget type: a tab, a link or both ('tab' by default)
    • OpenForumByClick: If 'True' , the forum link at UserEcho will open when the tab/link is clicked; otherwise (default), the feedback form will open in a popup. 'False' by default.
    • TextColor: The text color of the tab ('#FFFFFF' by default)
    • FontSize: The font size of the text on the tab('20' by default)
    • BackgroundColor: The background color of the tab ('#FF000' by default)
    • HoverColor: The background color of the tab when hovered over ('#F45C5C' by default)
    • Alignment: The alignment of the tab on a page ('left' by default).
    • ShowIcon: If 'True' (default), the tab will show an icon.
    • CornerRadius: The radius of the corners on the tab ('10' by default)

Selecting a language for the widget

By default, when the user clicks a link or a tab, a UserEcho popup appears provided you selected this option (see above - OpenForumByClick=False).

To view the popup in a specific language, you need to:

  1. Select that language in your project's setup at UserEcho.
  2. Specify this language in the CMS Function (see above - the Language parameter).

At UserEcho you can choose more than one language. Please note that all the language versions might be 100% translated. They normally indicate the percentage for each language.

Once you've selected languages and saved the changes in the configuration at UserEcho, specify the language in the Language parameter of the Composite.Community.UserEcho.FeedbackWidget function

You should use language code for that, for example, 'en' for English, or 'es' for Spanish.