icon WIF Integration
Created by Orckestra

C1 CMS Versions supported

This package requires CMS version 2.1.1 or newer (Build: 2.1.4113.99).

Launch the CMS Console, then open the top menu item “Help” and click “About C1 CMS”.


Pre-Installation Steps

To use the package you are supposed to ensure a number of prerequisites.

  • Orckestra CMS Website v2.1.1 or later
  • Visual studio 2010. (With the current setup it would much easier to have the website and Visual Studio on the same machine so that its plugin could create security certificates and etc.)
  • Windows Identity Foundation
  • Windows Identity Foundation SDK
  • An account at live.com (an MSN messenger account.)
  • The Composite.Community.WindowsIdentityFoundation package

Before you install and use the Composite.Community.WIF package, please complete these steps:

  1. Install Windows Identity Foundation and restart the computer.
  2. Install Windows Identity Foundation SDK .
  3. Log in to https://portal.appfabriclabs.com/ with yor Windows Live ID, and complete the steps as described in Registering at AppFabric.

Now add the STS certificate to your website:

  1. Open your website in Visual Studio 2010. (Please do not use the network drive. The site should be on the same machine as VS2010 so it can add security certificates.)
  2. Right-click the website folder and click "Add STS reference".
  3. In the Welcome page of the wizard, supply the path to your website's web.config, and URL at which the website is available.
  4. In the Security Token Service page, select "Use an existing STS".
  5. Get the URL to "WS-Federation Metadata" (as described in Registering at AppFabric) and paste it here.

If you open the website in a browser at this point, you should redirect you to a login page. If not, please make sure you have followed the steps above as required.

Now allow anonymous logins:

  1. Edit web.config of your website
  2. Locate the element: <configuration/system.web/authorization>
  3. Comment out the element <deny/>:
        <!--deny users="?" /--> 

Installation steps

  1. Log into the CMS Console as an administrator.
  2. Go to the "System" perspective.
  3. Open the folders “Packages” | “Available Packages” | " Composite.Community".
  4. Select " Composite.Community.WindowsIdentityFoundation" and click “Install”.
  5. Complete the wizard.

Version info

Current version
Package ID