icon Data Store Migrator
Created by Orckestra

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How to migrate the data store from XML to SQL

Please use Composite.Tools.SqlServerDataProvider to migrate from an XML-based data store to an SQL-based data store.

How to migrate the data store from SQL to XML

The following is the scenario for migrating an SQL-based CMS Website to an XML-based data store.

Before you start the migration, you should:

  1. Make a backup of your solution.
  2. Make sure that there is an empty folder called "DataStores" in /App_Data/Composite/ (or none at all, the migrator will create one for you.)
  3. Make sure that the folder is specified in the /App_Data/Composite/composite.config:
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    (As you can see in the example above, you should keep the the " DynamicSqlDataProvider" value for now, but specify the correct path.)
  4. Restart the site either from the IIS manager or by resaving the Web.config file.

After you've logged into the CMS Console (as the administrator) and installed the Data Store Migrator package (this package), go on to migrate the data store:

  1. In your web browser, open http://localhost/DataStoreMigrator.aspx (replace 'localhost' with the hostname of your site).
  2. Choose copying from "DynamicSqlDataProvider" (Source) to "DynamicXmlDataProvider" (Target).
  3. Click Test Source SQL Connection. (Wait for the operation to complete, which may take a few moments.) Proceed to the next step if testing the connection is OK.
  4. Click Migrate. (Wait for the operation to complete, which may take a few minutes.)
  5. Edit the "\App_Data\Composite\Configuration\DynamicSqlDataProvider.config" file and remove all XML elements between <Interfaces> and </Interfaces> (i.e. remove all the <add /> elements). We recommend that you save this file in some other location for backup purposes before making the above changes.
  6. Edit the " /App_Data/Composite/Composite.config" file and set the " DynamicXmlDataProvider" as default.
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    (As you can see in the example above, you should now replace the " DynamicSqlDataProvider" with the "DynamicXmlDataProvider" value.)
  7. Restart the site either from the IIS manager or by resaving the Web.config file again.

Now you can run Orckestra CMS and uninstall the Data Store Migrator package.