icon XSL to Razor Function Converter
Created by Orckestra

How to convert an XSLT function into a Razor function

  1. From the "Functions" perspective, expand "XSLT Functions" and locate and select the function you wish to convert.
  2. Click "Convert to Razor" on the toolbar. A message box will pop up, which suggest following up on the manual conversion.
  3. Close the message box.

Note that the XSLT function has been renamed to "{FUNCTION_NAME}_backup".

Now continue with the Razor function:

  1. Expand "Razor Functions" and locate and edit the newly created function.
  2. Modify the function as suggested in the message box in Step 2 where necessary: manually converting other parts of the function:
    • Default values for parameters
    • Function calls
    • Transformation template itself
  3. Save the function.