icon Form Builder
Created by Orckestra

C1 CMS Versions supported

This package requires CMS version 6.0 or newer (Build: 6.0.6248.33161).

Launch the CMS Console, then open the top menu item “Help” and click “About C1 CMS”.

Pre-Installation Steps

Form Builder requires LESS to work properly.

Before you install Composite.Forms.FormBuilder, make sure you have Composite.Web.Css.Less installed on your website.

How to install Composite.Web.Css.Less

Installation steps

  1. Log into the CMS Console as an administrator.
  2. Go to the "System" perspective.
  3. Open the folders “Packages” | “Available Packages” | " Orckestra.Forms".
  4. Select " Orckestra.Forms.FormBuilder" and click “Install”.
  5. Complete the wizard.

Important. If you are installing this package on a website other than a C1 CMS starter site, you may need to edit ~/Frontend/Composite/Forms/FormBuilder/FormBuilderPreview.less and set a correct @import directive. The default reference to "../../../styles/style.less" may not reflect your situation.

Configuring Email Host

This package requires sending emails so you should provide Orckestra CMS with a way to deliver emails.

Configure this by adding a /configuration/system.net/mailSettings section to the ~/web.config file.

If your Orckestra CMS site is hosted in a managed server environment, you should contact your hosting provider for details about accessing their SMTP services.

To use the local Orckestra CMS Server as an SMTP server, add the following /configuration/system.net/mailSetting

  <!-- … other web.config elements … --> 
      <smtp deliveryMethod="Network"> 
        <network host="localhost" port="25" defaultCredentials="true" /> 
  <!-- … other web.config elements … --> 

To use a remote SMTP server that does not require authentication, use the following configuration (specifying the host name or IP address to use):

  <!-- … other web.config elements … --> 
      <smtp deliveryMethod="Network"> 
        <network host="yoursmtpserver.com" port="25" defaultCredentials="true" /> 
  <!-- … other web.config elements … --> 

To use an SMTP server which require authentication, you can use this as a template configuration:

  <!-- … other web.config elements … --> 
      <smtp deliveryMethod="Network"> 
        <network host="yoursmtpserver.com" port="25" defaultCredentials="false" userName="login" password="password" /> 
  <!-- … other web.config elements … --> 

If the Microsoft IIS SMTP Service is installed on the Orckestra CMS server, e-mails can be "sent" by writing them to the Pickup Directory. This is probably the most robust method of delivery since the SMTP Service is not required to be running while the e-mail is generated. To use this feature, use the following configuration:

  <!-- … other web.config elements … --> 
      <smtp deliveryMethod="PickupDirectoryFromIis" /> 
  <!-- … other web.config elements … --> 

The sample configurations above are typical settings, but they are not exhaustive. Please refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/w355a94k(VS.80).aspx for more information on the <mailSettings /> element.

Version info

Current version
Package ID
Version 1.3.4
Tags Form

Have a question?

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Email: Write us
4:05 AM
(Local time at HQ)