icon Facebook Pages
Created by Orckestra

Creating a CMS Page

  1. In the Content perspective, create a page.
  2. For the Page type, select "Facebook Page".
  3. Add content, save and publish the page.

The page will be based on the "Facebook Page" layout template.

Installing the CMS Page on Facebook

  1. Create a new app at https://developers.facebook.com/apps specifying the name for it (for example, "My CMS Page Tab") and category (for example, "Apps for Pages").
  2. Open the Settings -> Basic page of the app created in Step 1 and click Add Platform button and choose Page Tab from the dialog.
  3. Specify values for:
    • Page Tab Name: the name of the page tab (for example, "Orckestra CMS Page")
    • Secure Page Tab URL: the secure URL to your CMS Page  (for example,  https://www.contoso.com/Facebook-Page - Make sure to use "https://" in the URL)
    • Page Tab Edit URL: here you can specify the URL to the CMS Console, where your page can be edited, for example: http://www.contoso.com/Composite/top.aspx.
  4. Save the changes.
  5. If you don't have yet, then Create a new page in your Facebook account and select a proper type of the page and complete the wizard.
  6. Now open the URL:  https://www.facebook.com/dialog/pagetab?app_id=[APP_ID]&next=[URL]
    replacing [APP_ID] with your App ID and [URL] with the URL to your CMS Page (for example, https://www.facebook.com/dialog/pagetab?app_id=162845980676955&next=http://www.contoso.com/Facebook-Page).
    The Add Page TabDialog will prompt you to add an app to a Facebook Page that you administrate.
  7. Select the page you've created in Step 5 and click "Add Page Tab".


To customize the page displayed on Facebook, edit the page template ("Facebook Page") and CSS styles at ~\Frontend\Composite\Community\Facebook\Pages\Styles.css