icon Disqus Comments
Created by Orckestra

Adding Disqus comments to the website

To add the Disqus-based comment system to your website:

  1. Edit a page or a template.
  2. Insert the Composite.Community.Disqus.Comments function ( Insert | Function) or add the similar code:
    Expand code
  3. Set the required parameter:
  4. If needed, set the optional parameter:
    • Developer: If 'False' (unchecked), Disqus will not attempt to read the location of your page and validate the URL. 'False' is default and is recommended when testing on an inaccessible website.

Showing comments related information

You can also show the useful information related to the comments on your website: recent comments, popular threads, top commentors or the combination thereof.

  1. Edit a page.
  2. Insert the Composite.Community.Disqus.FeaturedComments function ( Insert | Function) or add the similar code:
    Expand code
  3. Set the required parameter:
  4. If needed, set the optional parameters:
    • Mode: The information about the comments to be displayed: recent posts, popular threads, top commenters, or the combination thereof  ('Recent' by default)
    • Items: The number of items to display (5 by default)
    • ModeratorsRanking: If 'True',  it shows the moderators in ranking ('False' by default)
    • ColorTheme: The color theme to use: Blue (default), Grey, Green, Red, Orange
    • DefaultTabView: The default tab view ('Recent' by default)
    • ExcerptLength: The length of the comment excerpt (200 by default)
    • ShowAvatars: If 'True' (default), avatars will be shown
    • AvatarSize:   The size of an avatar (48 by default)