icon Quick Poll
Created by Orckestra

How to add a Quick Poll to your website

First, you need to add one or more polls:

  1. From the Content perspective, select "Quick Poll" and add a poll question.
  2. Select the question below "Quick Poll" and add possible answers to it.
  3. Repeat Steps 1-2 for as many polls as you need.
  4. When adding questions, you can specify the Active from date value (the date from which poll will be displayed on a page). The poll will not be displayed if no date is specified (see also Important Notes below).

Next, you need to add the function that will show the poll to a dedicated page:

  1. Edit a page.
  2. Insert the Composite.Community.QuickPoll function ( Insert > Function), or add the following code:
    Expand code
  3. Specify the function's parameters:

    • Question: A question to be displayed in the poll on a page. By default, it shows the latest active poll. To override this default behavior, choose to specify a simple value and select a question from the list (see also Important Notes below).
    • Submit Title: The label for the Submit button on the poll. By default, this value is set to "Submit". To override the value, choose to specify a simple value and enter your own one.
    • ChartType: The type of the chart to represent data:
      • Simple BarChart (default)
      • Google BarChart
      • Google PieChart
      • Google ColumnChart

Important Notes

  • If you select a specific question for the Question parameter of the Composite.Community.QuickPoll function, the Active form date value (see Step 2 above) on the question will be ignored and the poll will displayed regardless this date.


You can customize the layout by editing its style sheets:

  • /Frontend/Composite/Community/QuickPoll/Styles.css