icon File Download Tracker
Created by Orckestra

File Download Tracker User Guide

Creating links that require registration

You can have users register before downloading media files from your website. All downloads by the registered user will be tracked now. (Please “Viewing download reports” for more information.)

For this, you will list links to these media files on a web page. When an unregistered user clicks such a link, a registration form will pop up prompting him or her to register by providing information such as the user name and an email address.

This is one-time operation. Once registered, the user will be able to download one or more media files from the website.

If the user chooses not to register, she or he will not be able to download the protected media.

To expose media files that require registration before being downloaded:

  1. Edit a page where you want the media links to appear.
  2. Insert the Composite.Media.FileDownloadTracker.ListFiles function (Insert | Function).

    Figure 3: Inserting the ListFiles function

  3. Specify its required parameter:
    1. Media folder: The folder in the media archive to expose files from. Files in subfolders will be listed, too.
  4. If necessary, specify these optional parameters:
    1. Notification Email: When specified, the email address is used to send notifications of each download to.
    2. Required Fields: Fields required to fill out on the registration form. The Name and Email are required by default.
    3. Optional Fields: Optional fields to be displayed on the registration form.
    4. Form Intro Text: Text that appears on the form to explain the use of the registration form.
    5. Test Mode: If selected, the registration form will always be shown.

    Figure 4: Setting the ListFiles function parameters

  5. Click OK.

Please note that the fields that appear on the form are a combination of required and optional fields with the required fields having higher priority.

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Version 1.2.1

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