icon Content Versioning
Created by Orckestra

See also:

How to view content changes on your website

  1. From the System perspective, select "Content Modification Log".
  2. Click "View Log" on the toolbar. The log will open.
  3. Click the title of an item you want to get a full version report of. You'll instantly get to the item in the corresponding perspective and the item will be selected for you.
  4. Right-click the item (a web page, data item or media file) and click "Versioning Report". The versioning report will open.

Alternatively, you can access an item from the perspective where it is, for example, a page from the Content perspective and invoke the versioning report from its context menu.

How to view previous versions

  1. Open the versioning report of an item (see the steps above).
  2. Select a version and click "View".
Note. For media files, click "View settings" to view the file's settings, or "View file" to view the file itself.

How to roll back to previous versions

  1. Open the versioning report of an item (see the steps above).
  2. Select a version and click "Restore".

How to restore deleted content items

You can restore deleted CMS Pages (without sub pages), media files and global data and page data folder items.

  1. Open the "Content Modification Log".
  2. Locate and select the item with the "Delete" activity.
  3. Click "Restore" on the toolbar.

Limitations and recommendations

  • The following page-related data is not restored when a page is restored:
    • Its subpages if any
    • Its page metadata
    • Attached age data folders
    • Data attached to the page via page data folders
    • Attached CMS Console applications (tree definitions)
    • Data attached to the page via CMS Console applications
  • On single-language websites CMS Pages are restored as root pages, which you are informed with a respective message about. You may want to move the restored page to its original location manually.
  • On multiple-language website, CMS Pages are restored to its original position provided that the page still exists in at least one locale.
  • CMS Pages and publishable data items are restored unpublished.
  • To restore a global data item, make sure that the global data type is still available.
  • To restore a page data folder item, make sure that the page data folder it belongs to is still attached to a page.
  • Media files will restore the original folder structure if it has not been kept.

How to compare versions

  1. Open the versioning report of an item (see the steps above).
  2. Select a version and click "Compare".
  3. Select either "Latest version" or "Other version…" and click "OK".
  4. If you have selected "Other version…", in the list, click on another version to compare with.

How to filter entries in Content Modification Log

In the "Content Modification Log", you can filter entries by:

  • Time (From... To...): Specify the starting and ending date in the "From" and "To" fields respectively.
  • User: Type in the name of the user in the "User" field
  • Task: Select the activity in the "Task" drop-down box
  • Type: Select the type of the item in the "Type" drop-down box (CMS Page, CMS Media File, specific data type etc)

The log will update automatically only showing the entries that meet the filtering range.

How to print the log or reports

You can print the Content Modification Log or a specific versioning report:

  1. Open the log or a versioning report.
  2. If necessary, apply one or more filters on the log's or report's entries.
  3. Click "Print".

How to export the log or reports to Excel

You can export entries of the Content Modification Log or a specific versioning report to an Excel spreadsheet:

  1. Open the log or a versioning report.
  2. If necessary, apply one or more filters on the log's or report's entries.
  3. Click "Export to Excel".


  • Installing this package will not give you access to versions created before the installation. If you install the package on a website, which already contains pages and data, version tracking and recording will begin from the moment of installation.
  • When upgrading to v. 2.0.0 (uninstalling the old version and installing the new one), the installation process might take a few minutes - especially if the site has much version-controlled data - before the installer has converted the version data to new format. Please be prepared for delay.
Part of subscriptions:
Version 2.6.7

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Email: Write us
12:47 AM
(Local time at HQ)