icon Portfolio
Created by Orckestra

How to present a portfolio on your website

To present a portfolio on your website, you need to:

  1. Add the "Portfolio" application to a dedicated page.
  2. Insert the Portfolio List function on this page.
  3. Add categories to the portfolio.
  4. Add projects to the portfolio.

You can also show recently added projects on a separate page. You can also show the details of a single project of your choice.

Adding the Portfolio application

To add the "Portfolio" application to a page:

  1. In the "Content" perspective,  navigate to, and right-click, the page where your portfolio will appear.
  2. Click "Add Application".
  3. In the dialog that shows up, select "Portfolio" in the "Application" field.
  4. Click "Finish".

This will add a folder below the page: "Portfolio".

Inserting the Portfolio List function

  1. Edit the page where your portfolio will appear.
  2. On the page, insert the function "Orckestra.Lists.Portfolio.List" ( Insert | Function) or add the following code:
    Expand code
  3. If needed, set the optional parameter:
    1. IntroText: The text that will appear above the listed projects.

Adding categories

Before adding projects to your portfolio, make sure you've created portfolio categories.

Note. The categories are shared between the portfolios if you intend to have more than one of them.

To add a category:

  1. In the "Content" perspective,  expand your portfolio page.
  2. Select the "Portfolio" and click "Add Category" on the toolbar.
  3. Fill out the form that opens:
    • Title: The name for the portfolio category.
    • Ordering: The position of the category in the list.
  4. Click "Save".

Alternatively, you can add categories from the "Website Items":

  1. In the "Content" perspective, expand "Website Items"  and select "Portfolio Categories".
  2. Click "Add Data" on the toolbar.
  3. Fill out the form that opens:
    • Title: The name for the portfolio category.
    • Ordering: The position of the category in the list.
  4. Click "Save".

Adding projects to the portfolio

Note. Before adding projects, make sure that you've created at least one portfolio category. (Please see "Adding categories" above.)

To add a project to your portfolio:

  1. In the "Content" perspective,  expand the page where your portfolio is presented and select "Portfolio".
  2. Click "Add Project" on the toolbar.
  3. Fill out the fields on the "Project" tab:
    • Category: The category the project belongs to.
    • Project Title: The title of the project
    • Teaser Description: A short description of the project that appears in the project list.
    • Teaser Image: An image for the project that appears in the project list.
    • Images Folder: (optional) A folder with the project's images.
    • YouTube or Vimeo URL: (optional) An URL to a YouTube or Vimeo video
  4. If needed, fill out the fields on the "Project Info" tab (optional).
    • Client: The client of the project if any.
    • Date: The date of the project.
    • Project Place: The place of the project
    • Project URL: Te URL to a website of the project.
  5. On the "Project Description" tab, describe the project.
  6. If needed, on the "Publication Settings" schedule or manage the publication.
  7. Click "Save and Publish" or "Save".

Showing the latest projects from the portfolio

To show the latest projects from all the portfolios presented on the website:

  1. Edit the page where you want the latest projects to appear.
  2. On the page, insert the function "Orckestra.Lists.Portfolio.Latest" ( Insert | Function) or add the following code:
    Expand code
  3. If needed, set the optional parameter:
    • Count: The number of the latest projects to show on the page. 9 by default.

Showing the details of a single project

To show the details of a single project on the website:

  1. Edit the page where you want the project details to appear.
  2. On the page, insert the function "Orckestra.Lists.Portfolio.Details" ( Insert | Function) or add the following code:
    Expand code
  3. Set the required parameter:
    • Project:(ProjectReference): The project to show.