icon Content Versioning
Created by Orckestra

Content Versioning User Guide

Test Your Knowledge


  1. Add a web page called “News”.
  2. Edit it, add some text and save it. Add some more text and save it.
  3. Delete some text and save it. Publish it.
  4. View the versioning report of the page.


  1. View the content of the first-saved version of the “News” page.
  2. View the content of the last-saved version of the “News” page.
  3. Compare the first-saved version with the latest version of the “News” page.
  4. Compare the first-saved version with the second-saved version of the “News” page.


  1. Roll back to the second-saved version of the “News” page.
  2. Roll back to the first-saved version of the “News” page.
  3. Open the page in the visual editor and preview it.


  1. Upload an image to the Media Archive.
  2. Rescale it in Image Editor and save it. Change its description and save it.
  3. View the added version of the image. View the first-saved version of the image.
  4. Compare the first-saved version with the latest version of the image.


  1. Create a global data type called “Vendors”. Add fields: “Name”, “Email” and “Phone”.
  2. Add a data item, save and close it.
  3. Change values in the Email and Phone fields of the data item, save and close it.
  4. Compare any earlier version of this data item with its latest version.


  1. Open the Content Modification Log in the System perspective.
  2. Locate the item you want to run a versioning report on.
  3. Click its title to get to this item.
  4. Run the versioning report on it.
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Part of subscriptions:
Version 2.6.7

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Email: Write us
8:41 PM
(Local time at HQ)