Using razor views in console applications
From S-Innovations
In this blog post I will show you how you can now use razor.cshtml files within the console. We have created all the header stuff needed in a MasterLayout.cshtml for you.
While the build server is working on the 4.1 release of, Composite .Net based CMS C1, I wanted to share one ofthe things I added in the 4.1 release.
You can see the code at RazorLayout.cshtml here and in the rest of this blog post I will make a little turtorial of using this inside the Console. If you want to tag along, start by getting a 4.1 site up and running. The easiest way to do this is by using the platform installer and follow the instructions here.
Read the rest at and learn how to build Composite C1 Console Applications now with Razor.
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