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Composite C1 can get a Stack Overflow site with your help
If you are familiar with Stack Overflow you probably agree that it’s by far the best Q&A site out there. At least we think so, and rather than to just make do with our current forum or throwing hours after developing a pale comparison to Stack Overflow we want the real thing.
We need your help!
The guys behind Stack Overflow have created “the Stack Exchange” which enables anyone to propose a new topic and if enough people rally behind it, it will become a reality. Community rules! Some time back someone thought a site for webmasters would be cool and now webmasters around the world can share knowledge on
Support our efforts to get a free and independent Q&A site dedicated to Composite C1 users and developers by spending a few minutes signing up and voting:
- Go to the Area 51 signup page
- Click the Google logo to log in via Google – if you don’t have a Google account select/create another OpenID account
- When back at Area 51, click “Create new account”
- At the top of the page click your temporary username (like user99999)
- Get a confirmation e-mail sent to you – you may need to specify an e-mail address
- You get a mail, click the “verify” link
- Go to
- Click “Follow it!”
- Select the “on-topic” tab and vote for 5 on-topic questions (vote for the top 5)
- Select the “off-topic” tab and vote for 5 off-topic questions (vote for the top 5)
The StackExchange guys sure didn’t make this part easy for anyone and your help is greatly appreciated – in fact we will drink an awesome-forum-beer with you if we can make this happen!
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