C1 CMS Blog
Say hello to Twitter Bootstrap
Set up a Twitter Bootstrap based website with Composite C1 CMS and see for yourself why we think this is a winner.
Time to start blogging again
This blog have been pretty silent lately, I guess it is time to change that.
Like Composite C1? Like Composite C1 on Facebook!
We have created a Facebook page for Composite C1 where the feed will be a litle bit less geeky that our twitter feed...
A community update - June 2011
A quick update on what have been going on with Composite C1 the recent weeks.
Composite C1 added to the Microsoft Web App Gallery
With the release of .NET 4 enabled WebMatrix and Web Platform Installer 3 Microsoft is ready to feature Composite C1 in their Web App Gallery.
Composite C1 is Free Open Source
Today is a historical day for us - we are going open souce, all the way!
The WebMatrix experience
WebMatrix is a major game changer in the web application market - here is how to see it and believe it.
Hello ASP.NET World!
We have added three guides to get you going with Composite C1 and Visual Studio 2010.
Hello Blog World
There is a neat blog package available for Composite C1 and we are dogfooding it right here.